Featured Article

Mike Kelly ’73 and Steve Kelly ’77: Why I VMI

Mike Kelly '73 and Steve Kelly '77


Mike Kelly ’73 and Steve Kelly ’77 are two of three brothers who attended VMI. We sat down with them as they discussed lessons from their four years at VMI that stayed with them through their professional careers.

This interview is part of a larger video series called, “Why I VMI.” The videos feature alumni, students and faculty discussing their VMI story, and why they give their time, talent and treasure back to the Institute.

  • Christian Heilman

    Christian Heilman Director of Digital Content

    The director of digital content is responsible for creating original video and multimedia materials, as well as developing and editing web and digital content. The director is responsible for platform coordination and troubleshooting, to include the VMI Alumni Agencies’ primary websites, digital newsletter and other digital platforms.